you are flexible, nothing to assemble previously or remove afterwards, it's warm and you can follow the hungry masses easily. in that case a japanese one of the really common and important snack booth which you can find everywhere in the city.
Samstag, 28. Februar 2009
Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2009
a newspaper article...
about his year abroad which robert wrote for the “kleine zeitung“ in austria, was printed on the 7th of december.
this was one of the pictures we took for. robert, bernd and me in the hall of our lovely dormitory.
here is the link:
winter - against all european thoughts
as you can see, south korea has also got some snow, in the middle of the city and it's really cold here too. the funny thing is that most of the people i know from home think i'm now in a kind of tropical climate but no, it's not. korea has a very extreme climate with hot and, for me, awkward humidity in the summer and the winters are dry and very cold. this year -5 to -10 was not exceptional.
why this is like that though seoul is on approximately the same latitude with barcelona, don't ask me, architects don't know everything.
Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009
fieldtrip to BUYEO
this tour, organized by the local international center, was our first trip through the korean landscape to a quite far destination. buyeo, an important city in the past with old traditional buildings, parks and significant excavations in the lower east of the korean peninsular. the weather was unfortunately very rainy during the main part of the day, so it was a procedure of hop off the bus, spend a short time under your umbrella and hop back on etc. because of the wet clothes the windows in the bus were filmed over and we had also no good view on the city or the landscape from the inside while riding. in the afternoon, after all, the rain fortunately stopped and we spent a nice brief stop at a small pond with a beautiful pavillon set in the middle.
richtig gesehen, es gibt wieder mal einen neuen eintrag auf meinem schon recht verstaubten blog. es gibt natürlich gute gründe für diese abstinenz aber die will ich jetzt nicht außen vorschieben. fakt ist, es gibt viel zu erzählen und ich werde wieder einiges posten.
änderungen wird es bezüglich des SEOUL365 newsletters geben. diesen, in vieler hinsicht wertvollen und lustigen reisebericht, den mein kollege robert eifrig verfasst, werde ich nur noch per email weiterleiten. wenn jemand noch nicht in meinem mailverteiler ist und den newsletter aber keineswegs verpassen will schreibe mir bitte ein kurzes mail.
nun mach ich mich aber an die arbeit und wünsch euch eine gute unterhaltung mit meinem blog!
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