Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2008

here are the pictures of our invitation at the *millenium seoul hilton* as purpose of the austrian national day by the austrian embassy. (few posts before, i wrote a short report of) it was amazing and a culinary highlight ::: *schweinsbratwürtl mit sauerkraut*gulasch*stelzn*schweinsbraten*dunkles brot*hartwürstl*sachertorte*apfelstrudel*marillenknödel*kaiserschmarren*zipfer bier*burgenländer wein*schnaps ::: all what you need! as an addition to that, a korean jodler was singing austrian traditional songs with jodl acts. we really couldn´t belief it - the last clichè would have been a *wiener walzer* at midnight but the party was over at 11 o`clock pm. At this time only the studets were left at the last parts of the buffet. :)

2 Kommentare:

G-Star(George) hat gesagt…

hmmm.. wenn der die ganze Zeit so gejodelt hat.. na Mahlzeit^^

christian hat gesagt…

jaja...tiroler liedgut mit koreanischem akzent >> very funny